The Alpena Area Brick Build Competition
is back!

Let's Build Something Together!
This competition returns for its third year! This local contest lets K-12 students show off their building skills with a chance to win one of our prizes. So trick out your bricks and max your knack for hacks with stacks of your own flock of blocks! Details are below.
Contest Information
Sign Up Deadline
All teams must be signed up by 4:00 pm, February 7, 2025
Drop off Entries in Person on February 20
Entries can be dropped off at the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary on February 20 during regular business hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. When you drop off your build, stop by the lobby desk to pick up your registration card. They will show registered contestants where to place their build.
Not competing? Come and see all the builds on display!
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary at 500 W Fletcher St., Alpena, MI 49707
Announcement of Winners
Winners will be announced before the event, so be sure to check back for updates! Winners and their families can join us at 3:00 p.m. in the theater for a formal awards ceremony. When we announce the winners in each division (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), their builds will be displayed on the theater screen, and the winners will be invited to come to the front to receive their prizes.
Entry Pickup
Entries can be picked up after judging on Saturday, 2/22, until 5:00 pm or any time through Tuesday, 2/25.
All entries must be registered online by 4:00 pm 2/7/25.
Use your own LEGO, Duplo, Mega Bloks, or other LEGO-compatible plastic bricks.
Entries must be your own creation, not a LEGO-designed kit project found online, in a magazine, in a kit that was sold, etc.
Your creation must be on a base no bigger than 24 inches by 24 inches. The base can be (but is not limited to) wood, cardboard, or a flat LEGO base and can be decorated to fit your project. Your completed entry cannot be taller than four feet.
Each entry requires a one-page build description to help spectators and judges appreciate the creation. The description should be under 100 words and provide enough detail to explain the theme and key features. You can also emphasize aspects such as the inspiration for this work, the design process, and special features.
There can be only one entry per participant or team, where applicable.
Team projects will be placed in the category of the oldest participant in the team. Please note: while all team members will receive a certificate (if applicable), a team will compete for a single prize.
Deliver all completed projects to the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary at 500 West Fletcher Street, Alpena, MI, 49707, on the above date.
Please retrieve entries on the dates listed above. Any entry not retrieved by the end of the date listed above will be considered a donation to the Innovators LEGO collection.
Fan favorite voting will take place during the event.
Competitive Divisions
K-2 Lower Elementary
3-5 Upper Elementary
6-12 Jr/Sr High School